

The Underwriters Guide & Policy Wording shown below are for policies effective 9/25/2019 and later.

Policy Wording
Click here for Mississippi Sample Policy Wording - MS Sample Policy (Abobe Acrobat PDF)

Primary Insurer
  • We accept only Admitted Insurers with A. M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

  • Markel Insurance Company - A.M. Best rating is A (Excellent) and a financial size category of XV ($2 Billion or greater).
  • We provide an Umbrella policy form with a $0 S.I.R. and freely offer limits to $5,000,000.

New Business
  • You may choose either direct or agency. Commission is 15% on premium excluding Policy Expense Fee.
  • Direct: We will issue policy direct to insured with invoice. You will be notified when policy is mailed. Policy will be available for viewing online.
    You will be paid commission after payment receipt in form of commission statement.
  • Agency: We will issue both insured and agency copy to you with net invoice.
    Payment for policy mailed Direct or to Agency will be due within 20 days.

  • We will directly issue the insured a renewal offer 30+ days in advance. Commission is 10% on premium excluding Policy Expense Fee.
  • The offer will include options to increase limit up to $5,000,000.
  • You will be notified when offer is sent. Offer will be available for viewing online.
  • You will be notified if offer is not received.
  • You will be able to view/print renewal policy online once offer/payment received by us.
  • You will be paid commission after payment receipt in form of commission statement.

  • We rely on you to keep supplemental questionnaire, signatures and documentation in your files.
  • It is our goal to issue/mail policies within two days of your order.
  • Complete applications will improve your customers' satisfaction.

Brokerage Agreement


We do not contemplate writing target risk individuals, including:
  • Professional Entertainers: actors, actresses, directors, producers, writers, tv/radio personalities
  • Athletics: all professional athletes, coaches, managers and owners, NCAA Division I athletes or coaches that regularly appear on television
  • Public Officials: Elected/appointed officials to any state or federal office, elected officials to cities, counties, courts with populations over 50,000
  • Famous people: top executives of Fortune 500 companies, persons appearing regularly in the media due to their wealth or profession

For questions or to determine acceptability, please call 800.564.1799 or 510.420.2820.

If any of the applicants have had four (4) or more losses or total losses over $25,000 within the past three years, or currently has an open claim, you must submit for special authorization.

For questions or to determine acceptability, please call 800.564.1799 or 510.420.2820.

Residences - Up to 4 units any one location
Owner-occupied and rental residences can be insured if a primary insurer provides a minimum liability limit of $300,000. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A. M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher. A maximum of 30 total residential units will be allowed.

The following risks must be submitted for special acceptance:

1. If primary insurer is Surplus Lines or A.M. Best rating of lower than B+ (VII)

2. Any rental unit contains:
  • Public funding- including Sec8 and HUD
  • Migrant or temporary worker housing
  • Foster care
  • Senior-assisted living
  • Student housing
  • Security bars on windows
  • Mobile home

We will not write over a course of construction primary policy.

We will not accept farms. We will not accept a location whose primary insurance is an FCPL or farm liability policy.

Vacant Land
Vacant land can be insured if a primary insurer provides a minimum liability limit of $300,000. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A.M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

Personal Automobile Liability
Autos are defined as a motorized land vehicle, which requires motor vehicle registration and/or operator licensing, including attached trailers, travel trailers, motor homes and motorcycles.

Autos can be insured if a primary insurer provides a personal automobile policy with a minimum liability limit of $300,000 CSL ($325,000 in Texas) or $250,000/$500,000/$100,000 split limits. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A. M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

We rate and charge for each vehicle.

Motorcycles are separately rated as they have a different rate for excess UM/UIM.

Operators' Motor Vehicle Record(s)
We do not require motor vehicle records unless the driver has had a major violation in the last five years, or has had liability loss(es) in excess of $25,000 in the last three years, or currently has an open claim in which the loss may exceed $25,000.

For questions or to determine acceptability, please call 800.564.1799 or 510.420.2820.

Driver Surcharge
We surcharge for drivers:
  • For each driver under 21 years of age
  • For each driver between 70 and 79 years of age
  • For each driver age 80 years and older
  • For each driver with a major violation

We can provide limits of $1,000,000.00 for drivers over the age of 89

Major Violation
Major violations are:
Alcohol/Drug related violations DUI/dangerous drugs not narcotics Minor driving with BAC of 0.05% or more
Driving while suspended or revoked DUI/narcotics Reckless driving
Driving wrong side/divided highway Evading peace officer/reckless driving Reckless driving/causing bodily injury
Drunk driving Explosives transportation Speed contest /exhibition of speed
Drunk driving/injury Hit and run Speed contest/aiding or abetting
DUI/alcoholic beverage or drugs Hit and run/injury/property damage Speed over 100 MPH
DUI/BAC 0.04% or more/commercial vehicle Manslaughter with gross negligence  
DUI/causing bodily injury or death Manslaughter without gross negligence  

We may include drivers with one (not more) major violation within the past five years. We will not write youthful drivers with a major violation.

  • If a major violation has occurred, we will need a current copy of the MVR sent to us.
  • Drivers with a major violation within last five years must have minimum $500,000/500,000/100,000 or $500,000 CSL primary limits.

Watercraft can be insured if a primary insurer provides a personal watercraft policy with a minimum liability limit of $300,000 CSL or $250,000/$500,000/$100,000 split limits. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A.M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

Watercraft are individually rated and classified as follows:
No Charge
We will include without charge if under 27 feet in overall length and either one of the following:
  • without motor
  • rented inboard or inboard/outdrive of 50 horsepower or less
  • owned of 25 horsepower or less
  • owned or rented sailboats

Class A - Utility Boat
Maximum speed 45 MPH: Under 27 Feet. Full range of outboard, inboard/outboard or inboard.

Class B - Standard
Maximum speed 60 MPH: Under 42 feet. A more specialized class of boat with better than average performance.

Class D - Yacht/Cruiser, Sailboat, Houseboat
Maximum speed 45 MPH: 27 feet and over, but under 42 feet. The conventional higher valued segment of the non-trailerable boat/yacht market.

The following are not eligible:
Watercraft carrying passengers or cargo for a fee.

Recreational Vehicle & Jet-Ski
Recreation vehicles, jet skis and golf carts can be insured if a primary insurer provides a personal liability policy with a minimum liability limit of $300,000 CSL or $250,000/$500,000/$100,000 split limits. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A.M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

Recreational vehicles are those not licensed for road use and typically include dune buggies, all terrain vehicles (ATVs), minibikes, trail bikes and snowmobiles.

We rate separately for each recreational vehicle, jet ski or golf cart.

The following are not eligible:
Unlicensed recreational vehicles or jet skis with a speed greater than 60 MPH, or any three-wheeled ATV.



Certain business properties are eligible for coverage if a primary insurer provides a commercial general liability policy with a minimum liability limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A.M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

Habitational: Apartments, Condominiums, Flats, Dwellings
We write buildings with hazards that are not out of the ordinary.

The following risks must be submitted for special acceptance:

1. If primary insurer is Surplus Lines or A.M. Best rating of lower than B+ (VII)

2. Any rental unit contains:
  • Public funding- including Sec8 and HUD
  • Migrant or temporary worker housing
  • Foster care
  • Senior-assisted living
  • Student housing
  • Security bars on windows
  • Mobile home

We will not write over a course of construction or farmowner's primary policy.

Commercial or Mercantile Premises Rented to Others (LRO)
Buildings rented to others that do not present unusual exposures to tenants or to neighboring buildings.

Ineligible Occupancies:
Manufacturing or other than incidental storage of paint or paint thinners or gasoline, oil, petroleum products or other chemicals or fireworks, arms, ammunition or hay, grain, feed, or fertilizer or wood, lumber, cabinets, furniture or tires or paper, rags or other scrap material, gas stations, auto repair shops, vehicle or boat storage, theaters, schools, day care centers, churches or auditoriums, bars, taverns or nightclubs.

Business Office: Professional or Service Sector
Offices that do not present more than an incidental products liability, premises operations, or off-premises exposure. Included office types are accounting, dentists, doctors, insurance agents/brokers, lawyers and real estate agents. We exclude all professional liability.

Business Automobile Liability
Business autos can be insured if a primary insurer provides a business automobile policy with a minimum liability limit of $1,000,000 CSL. Primary insurer must be an admitted insurer with A.M. Best Rating of B+ (VII) or higher.

We rate and charge for each vehicle.

To include business autos insured under a business automobile policy, the following must apply:
  • Our insured must control purchase of the primary business auto policy.
  • We must insure all vehicles on the scheduled business automobile policy with a maximum of four vehicles.
  • The vehicles to be scheduled must be private passenger type vehicles.

Ineligible business automobiles:
  • Daily delivery vehicles
  • Renter or loaner vehicles
  • Business with more than five employees
  • Trucks or vans other than used as typical private passenger vehicles

We only surcharge for major violations.

Major Violation
Major violations are:
Alcohol/Drug related violations DUI/dangerous drugs not narcotics Minor driving with BAC of 0.05% or more
Driving while suspended or revoked DUI/narcotics Reckless driving
Driving wrong side/divided highway Evading peace officer/reckless driving Reckless driving/causing bodily injury
Drunk driving Explosives transportation Speed contest /exhibition of speed
Drunk driving/injury Hit and run Speed contest/aiding or abetting
DUI/alcoholic beverage or drugs Hit and run/injury/property damage Speed over 100 MPH
DUI/BAC 0.04% or more/commercial vehicle Manslaughter with gross negligence  
DUI/causing bodily injury or death Manslaughter without gross negligence  

We may include drivers with one (not more) major violation within the past five years. We will not write youthful drivers with a major violation.

If a major violation has occurred, we will need a current copy of the MVR sent to us.

Frequently asked business automobile questions:

Q. The applicant is provided a vehicle by his business. Should we rate and schedule it?

A1. If the applicant is an partner/owner of a small firm with 4 or fewer private passenger type vehicles, then YES we can rate/schedule and cover all of those vehicles.

Please check the MVRs of all drivers for major moving violations.

When ordering the policy, put the name of the firm in the Additional Covered Persons section as follows; "ABC, Inc. as respects business automobile".

A2. If this is one part of a fleet and/or the applicant is not a partner/owner of the business, then the auto should NOT be rated and scheduled.

If the business auto is the applicants only regular automobile, we suggest the applicant contact the corporation and request applicant be named on a Drive other Car (DOC) endorsement.

If applicant is not confident with the limits and coverage provided by the firms business policies, then the applicant should not drive their vehicles.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact an underwriter at 800.564.1799 or 510.420.2820.


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California Insurance License #: 0D08438